The Happiness Hypothesis

Of Jonathan Haidt, The Happiness Hypothesis, and Historical Narratives by A. Helian JONATHAN HAIDT IS ONE OF THE MOST coherent thinkers in the social sciences today. A Professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, he specializes in the study of morality and emotion, and how they vary across cultures. He describes himself as an atheist, and embraces the notion Continue Reading →

Sensitivity International: Network for World Control

by Ed Dieckmann, Jr. from The American Mercury, Winter, 1969 EARLY IN MAY of this year, a courageous mother, Mrs. Lois Godfrey of Garden Grove, California, succeeded in getting sensitivity training outlawed, at least temporarily, in the Garden Grove Unified School District. Mrs. Godfrey withdrew two of her children from a class in which the process was being used, then Continue Reading →

Instead of burning Korans, why not debate the merits of all “holy” books?

by Robert Johnson A CHRISTIAN PREACHER in Gainesville, Florida wants to burn Korans, citing the ninth anniversary of 9/11. Muslims around the world are upset and some are taking to the streets to demonstrate their anger that anyone would want to burn what they consider the word of God. From the start of the Abrahamic “revealed” religions, Judaism, Christianity and Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack: Breed and Eat Your Way Across the Universe

by H. Millard “HEY MAN,” said Homeless Jack, ” let me tell you a little more about Arman’s teachings. “Arman says that we have to think in terms of ‘our people’ and ‘not our people,’ if we are to head off our extinction, expand our kind and prosper. “But, you won’t understand what he really means so long as you Continue Reading →

What is Deism?

by Robert L. Johnson Deism was the religion of America’s Founding Fathers, and their wisdom in embracing it should not be forgotten today. DEISM VS. REVEALED RELIGION REVELATION, or revealed religion, is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as: “God’s disclosure to man of Himself.” This should read, “God’s alleged disclosure to man of himself.” For unless God reveals to Continue Reading →