Mary Phagan’s Family Opposes Exoneration of Sex Killer Leo Frank

Why is it that the family of Mary Phagan, the victim of rapist and murderer Leo Frank, are given no voice at all as the Jewish lobby pressures Georgia to exonerate the killer — who was also a high B’nai B’rith official? The following Phagan Family Position Paper was originally published at MY NAME is Mary Phagan-Kean and I Continue Reading →

The Hidden History of How Israel Was Created

by Alison Weir (pictured) I HADN’T originally meant to write a book. For over a dozen years I had been reading excellent books containing facts about the history of US-Israel relations that very few people seemed to know — even individuals highly knowledgeable about the history of the Middle East. Because so few people are aware of this information, inaccurate Continue Reading →

The Mercury Needs Reporters at Leo Frank Event

THE AMERICAN MERCURY and the Leo Frank Case Research Library and others working for a balanced, truthful account of the Leo Frank case have a request for any of our readers and correspondents within driving distance of Marietta, Georgia: Please attend the re-dedication ceremony of the Leo Frank lynching marker tomorrow, Thursday, August 23, at 10 am. It would be Continue Reading →

What’s Wrong with the Real Right? – part 1

by T.R. Bennington FOR ANY political movement that seeks eventual ascendancy, it is incumbent to engage in regular bouts of self-analysis. As a casual but sympathetic observer of the so-called far-right, I have compiled a list of what I believe to be some of the tactical errors and misconceptions made and held respectively by many racialists, white nationalists, devotees of Continue Reading →

Why ‘Network Marketing’ Can’t Work

What’s Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? by Dean Vandruff “LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT AN INCREDIBLE ground-level business opportunity…” someone says, and you are invited to a house or to lunch for “a discussion.” Funny enough, you feel in your gut that there is some hidden agenda or deception. “Probably a multi-level marketing (MLM) organization,” you think. Suppose it is? Should Continue Reading →