A New People Born Out of the Old

by H. Millard HOMELESS JACK SAID, “People in my faith know that we are the new Whites — a new people born out of the old — we are born anew after we have awakened to the truth. We are born anew by choice and we have brought ourselves anew into this world from the rotted and empty husks of Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack Talks About the Righteous Path

by H. Millard “YOU WANT TO walk my path, man?” asked Homeless Jack. “Well, if so, then you have to understand that my path is narrow and it’s going to the stars. It may take many generations, but my DNA code is on the way through my children and my children’s children into the far future. “You say, ‘What is Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack: “Expand Our Code”

by H. Millard “LOOK, MAN,” said Homeless Jack, “we gotta expand our code. That’s why we’re alive. That is the meaning of our lives. That is our purpose. “If we don’t expand our code, we might as well not have lived at all. We are born to breed. We are born to expand. “And this is no different than it Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack: “We Have To Struggle To Be, and To Be More”

by H. Millard “LOOK MAN,” said Homeless Jack, “the White world has gone nutty, and too many of our people are buying this absurd anti-nature, so-called anti-racism baloney to the point where otherwise sane people try to deny that our most basic and most important identity isn’t the one we are born with. “You can hear them all over the Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack on Rapid Evolution and Speciation

by H. Millard “MAN, people have it wrong about people who believe as I believe,” said Homeless Jack. They call us supremacists or this or that and they say we think we’re perfect or the best or whatever. “In fact, we don’t think we’re supreme and we think we’re very imperfect.  I’ll tell you what we are about.  We’re for Continue Reading →