Lakotah Citizens Stop US Helicopters from Landing at Wounded Knee

by Russell Means IN ANSWER to today’s United States Government and its Colonial Corporation, the Oglala Sioux Tribal Govenment’s press conference, we stated: “We the Lakotah People, do not want our massacred dead bodies of men, women and children at the mass grave at Wounded Knee used for publicity by the United States Government nor their colonial corporation, the Oglala Continue Reading →

Self Determination Advocate Enters Ontario Mayoral Race

by M.P. Shiel CANADIAN Paul Fromm, a former schoolteacher who is either 1) a brave advocate for self-determination and free speech or 2) an evil neo-nazi bigot, depending on whether you’re talking to the man on the street or a spokesman for the immigrant lobby — has begun a campaign for mayor of Mississauga, Ontario, a sizable city which has Continue Reading →

Homeless Jack: Breed and Eat Your Way Across the Universe

by H. Millard “HEY MAN,” said Homeless Jack, ” let me tell you a little more about Arman’s teachings. “Arman says that we have to think in terms of ‘our people’ and ‘not our people,’ if we are to head off our extinction, expand our kind and prosper. “But, you won’t understand what he really means so long as you Continue Reading →

Most Likely to Secede

by Christopher Ketcham “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” –The Declaration of Independence INCREASINGLY, I have no fealty to the U.S. Continue Reading →

Earth Day: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

ON THIS Earth Day, the Mercury believes it is appropriate to consider the words of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples — a group which supports Amerindian and aboriginal rights around the world. And we should look at their wise words in a new light — perhaps a light that the World Council itself has not considered: all peoples — Continue Reading →