The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Introduction

by Bradford L. Huie TODAY WE begin one of the most important audio book series of our new century — one which we believe will become more and more relevant as the century matures: Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. This audio book will be Continue Reading →

‘The Choice of Achilles’: John Alan Coey Against the New World Order

by T.R. Bennington AS EVER, BUT ESPECIALLY in our present state of civilizational malaise, there is a need for figures with the power to inspire — men who in less confused and cynical times would have been unabashedly described as heroic. One such figure is Corporal John Alan Coey, a young soldier who has perhaps not yet fully received the Continue Reading →

The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism

by Dr. Alan Sabrosky Alan Sabrosky considers the characteristics that differentiate Jewish nationalism from other nationalisms, highlighting in particular its intrinsic extremism, its xenophobia, racism and militarism, its undermining of civic loyalty among its adherents in other countries and its propensity to hatred and racial exclusivity. ISRAELI PRIME Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once remarked to a Likud gathering that “Israel is Continue Reading →