Boomer Conservatives Are Always Wrong

We at the Mercury do not endorse every point made by the author here, but we do think his Menckenesque demolition of one of the most useless and offensive conservative types is quite brilliant. by Kevin Alfred Strom DURING HIS ADMINISTRATION, Donald Trump announced that the US was going to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as the capital of Continue Reading →

What’s Wrong with the Real Right? – part 1

by T.R. Bennington FOR ANY political movement that seeks eventual ascendancy, it is incumbent to engage in regular bouts of self-analysis. As a casual but sympathetic observer of the so-called far-right, I have compiled a list of what I believe to be some of the tactical errors and misconceptions made and held respectively by many racialists, white nationalists, devotees of Continue Reading →

Kill’em All Conservatism

What is it about the modern so-called conservatives that makes them so bloodthirsty? by Richard Hoste Alternative Right RICHARD SPENCER and Robert Burnham’s Facebook conversation is pretty frightening, but I must say that it pales in comparison to a recent Free Republic thread about Julian Assange.  A commentator recommends the government go after the man’s family and when someone objects Continue Reading →