New Video on the Leo Frank Trial — YouTube Miniseries

ABOVE YOU WILL SEE another superb video by reallygraceful on YouTube (hosted on another server in case the ethnically-distinct censors at YouTube decide to take it down) who has conducted thorough research on the Leo Frank case and murder of little Mary Phagan. She is presenting the facts of this case in her new video (number one of a miniseries) Continue Reading →

Boomer Conservatives Are Always Wrong

We at the Mercury do not endorse every point made by the author here, but we do think his Menckenesque demolition of one of the most useless and offensive conservative types is quite brilliant. by Kevin Alfred Strom DURING HIS ADMINISTRATION, Donald Trump announced that the US was going to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as the capital of Continue Reading →

Does Race Exist? Do Hills Exist?

by Ron Unz ALTHOUGH my own academic background is in theoretical physics, I’m the first to admit that field seems in the doldrums these days compared with human evolutionary biology. The greatest physics discoveries of the last couple of years–the Higgs Boson and strong evidence for Cosmological Inflation–merely confirm the well-established beliefs that physicists have had since before I entered Continue Reading →

Canada: The Kingston Manifesto

Multiculturalism, globalism, “open borders,” and the dissolution of nations by Peter Goodchild THE CORROSION of Western civilization can be seen in a group of interrelated political events, as exemplified in Canada, my own country: multiculturalism, globalism, “open borders,” the dissolution of nations, my concerns especially since the period of 2008 to 2011, when I was in the Middle East and saw Continue Reading →

The Old Right and the Antichrist

by Richard Spencer (pictured) The following address was given to the H.L. Mencken Club‘s Annual Meeting; November 21-23, 2008. BEFORE William F. Buckley settled on writing God and Man at Yale in 1951, the 25 year-old had something quite different in mind as a debut volume. Buckley planned, and may have begun drafting, a book caustically entitled Revolt Against the Masses, Continue Reading →