Survival of the Black Race in North America

There are lessons that readers of all races can learn from the words of this Black writer, who calls for self-determination for his people — which, ultimately, means their own society.

by Lawrence Neal (pictured)

THE MOST ESSENTIAL QUESTION confronting me is the psychological and physical survival of the Black man in America. I believe that it is impossible for me to separate myself from the collective survival of my people. Most of our problems, whether we wish to accept this or not, are group problems. Further, they are basically the results of centuries of a unique kind of oppression. The only salvation for us, therefore, is to translate our individual problems into group problems; and then as a group proceed to eliminate them. We must survive as a people, not as a collection of assimilated freaks — rootless and faceless.

As a writer and social activist, I believe it is necessary, therefore, to address my art, ideas, and actions to the collective needs of my people. It is my duty to transform the oppressive objective conditions which our people face into something more compatible with our physical and spiritual needs. It is my duty also to help my people destroy the slave mentality which affects us all. It is my duty to listen to the voice of my people to learn from them; and to dedicate my life to total liberation of us all. It is my duty to protect myself and my people from the enemy within as well as without. I feel that there is no higher duty that a Black man can perform in this society, considering the condition his people find themselves in.

We must seek the total liberation of Black people from all aspects of their oppression. We must remember that our current ideas are the products of a particular kind of history. A history which began when my forefathers were sold into slavery. That our lives have been influenced by people like Malcolm X, the writings of Garvey, Du Bois, Monroe Trotter, Claude McKay, and Frederick Douglass. I would like to believe that I am an extension of these forces, that I am motivated by the spirit of the Nat Turners, the Denmark Veseys, and a friend named Herbie Johnson who died from an OD (overdose of narcotics) when he was seventeen; and by millions upon millions of unknown Black people who slaved to survive like my parents did, so that one day their sons and daughters would rise up, take control, and reclaim their manhood.

Currently, I am greatly motivated by the ideas of writers and thinkers like Frantz Fanon, Charles Fuller, Bill Davis, Rolland Snellings, and the theoretical writings of Harold Cruse and Max Stanford. Le Roi Jones’ writings on music and his play Black Mass have recently provided meaningful insights into the spiritual nature of Black people.

There are so many excellent and relevant Black writers and creative artists. There is a writer in Philly named James Stewart who, under better social conditions, would be recognized as a writer of great depth and intensity. Of course, there are also colleagues like Dan Watts, editor of Liberator, and social activists and writers like Ted Wilson and Eddie Ellis.

All of these writers have one thing in common: And that is a consummate desire to see Black people liberated by any means necessary. They are willing to sacrifice everything they have to accomplish these ends. And this is finally — it must be — more important than any single creative or artistic trait that they may have. For, finally, our art will be judged in terms of its relevance to the age that produced us, and the degree to which we were willing to extend it into reality. In the end, nothing else will matter — whether it was aesthetically perfect, or artful, or if it lacked craft. Others after us will ask: Did it help liberate us?

What are the crucial issues of our times? For us, as I have already stated, it is survival and the nature of that survival. Further, can we survive as long as the White man dominates the world with his idea of what the world should be? I believe we can not. Therefore we must understand that in order for us to survive we must come together as a people, organize to confront the Western White man on all levels of conflict. We must look at this struggle from the perspective of what Fanon calls the “Third World.” That is, internationally, in terms of the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

We must see ourselves as the extension of that Third World situated in the bosom of the beast. In doing this, we must assign ourselves the task of developing a “new humanism,” so that we may ultimately create a synthesis of the best that mankind has to offer, and thereby move to alter the existing power relationships. Then, and then only, is there hope for our children. Then, and then only, will we understand what manhood is. It is not about what Moynihan and other White sociologists say it is. It is not about assimilating into a dying society, totally lacking in spiritual substance. It must be about something much deeper, something much more pertinent to the overall needs of Black people.

And if blood must flow so that our Black Spirit can prevail, then damn it, let it flow. Otherwise, look forward to a bland existence m the wilderness of White America. Look forward to the pervasive mediocrity of Western society inundating us and the entire non-White world. These are harsh realities. They are not intended to soothe but to create conflict — meaningful conflict — among a people who have, generally, been in a semi-hypnotic state.

Currently the question of Black Power occupies the center of our lives. It must continue to do so. Everything that I have spoken about must ultimately be dealt with in terms of power — physical, psychological, and spiritual. Black people are being asked very concrete questions about the political structure of America. It is becoming clear that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans offer any meaningful solutions to our problems. Black people must have their own political structure in which to determine their own destiny.

The future of peoples of African descent living in America is dependent upon the degree to which these and other salient realities are understood and accepted. We must give our total selves to the struggle to achieve our human rights; and, finally, it is in struggle that we will learn who we are.

From Negro Digest, October 1966

*  *  *

Lawrence P. Neal, a graduate of Lincoln University, was arts editor of Liberator magazine. Neal (1937-1981) worked as a critic, poet, folklorist, playwright, filmmaker, editor, teacher, and administrator. He was a founder of the Black Arts movement, which saw his people’s art as unique and race-based.

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4 Replies to “Survival of the Black Race in North America”

  1. D B

    This is some of THE most racist tripe I’ve ever read. He’s certainly anti-white, but he has accomplished nothing more than making himself the black Hitler.

    “If blood needs to be spilled, then so be it.”

    Oh please.

  2. JD

    As a White Nationalist I believe in Racial separation. Equality is a Cultural Marxist social construct but race is real and matters because genetics are real and matter. We Whites, as builders of first world civilization and soon to be space colonizers, don’t need to be unequally yoked with inferior Africans and other non – Whites; we don’t need the Detroit’s, the Baltimore’s, etc hanging around our necks as we strive to build a space based economy. DIVERSITY is just a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE

  3. Gerald Goldberg

    June 24, 2012

    This is a truly important article the international media and mainstream historians dictating how we think, do not want you to read.
    by Jack Sen

    Karl Marx, champion of today’s progressives from Beijing to Hollywood, was a card carrying bigot and racist. And not just by today’s standards, mind you, but by those of his contemporaries as well.

    Racist Marx wrote:

    “The Negro has strength & power to labour, but the Nature which created the power denied to him either the intellect to govern, or willingness to work.”
    “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it.”

    And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!
    Marx actually used the word ‘nigger’ on dozens of occasions in his writings, letters and diary — all which we will go into later.
    This is due to his dealings with his Jewish slave trading uncle; and in spite of the fact the term is not even found in his native German vernacular! His contempt & sheer disrespect for blacks ran that deep.

    He also has some shocking views on Slavs, Indians, and the Irish, that neo-Marxist dupes and their liberal enablers conveniently ignore.
    This is a long and heavy read but I can assure you that it’ll supply you with ALL the ammunition you will ever need to stop Leftists DEAD in their tracks.

    Firstly I want to thank the repeatedly publishing of our work.
    I’d actually lost the following essay some months back, as I failed to back it up when I closed down the old address. Last night, on the odd chance someone had republished it; I did a brief search for it again on Google-miraculously finding it on the FOFNP’s honourable site, here at

    Let’s just say I was happy to see my research hadn’t been lost.
    This is the most comprehensive study on Marxism’s racism & anti-gentile hatred on the net.


    Karl Marx: Racist Supremacist, Enemy of Humanity & Hypocrite
    I laugh myself silly when self-hating white liberal champions of the oppressed, anti-fascists and their black dupes, claim they’re “Marxists”.
    Simply put, Karl Marx, the father of Marxist theory and avowed Zionist supremacist was an outright racist.

    Yes, you read that correctly —Karl Marx, champion of today’s progressives from Beijing to Hollywood was a card carrying bigot. And not just by today’s standards, mind you, but by those of his liberal contemporaries as well.

    Unlike today’s anti-white liberal establishment, 19th century progressives actually championed issues impacting the underclass and fought for the betterment of society.

    Some battled the injustice of child labour, & other domestic barbarities that arose as a direct result of mass industrialisation-an industrialisation, the materialist Marx, believed necessary for societal progress. Others fought against colonialism and imperialism, the subjugation of foreign peoples, against the slave trade and in the Americas’, slave ownership. Marx on the other hand fought against none of these things. In fact he supported colonialism, espousing the idea that non-whites benefited from “capitalist exploitation”. He believed India in particular had gained from British colonisation.

    Marx, akin to the sort of folks that organise Slut Walks and Occupy Wall Street protests, started his career in activism as nothing more than a rabble rousing subversive and pseudo-intellectual anarchist. His goal?

    The destruction of western civilisation, via a violent overthrow of the natural order where his ilk would rule society from the top down. The underclass was a means to a demented end. ‘Savages’ like blacks and third world peoples were inconsequential.

    Anyone that’s read the entire catalogue of Marx’s ridiculous writings can attest to the man’s arrogance, disdain for Western civilisation and general contempt for humanity.
    And the contempt he harboured for humanity, and explicitly expressed in his writings, was not only reserved for Western Civilisation, cultural Christianity and people of Western European origin; but the sort of folks Marxists claim they’re fighting for today-blacks, Mexicans, East Indians, Central Asians, Orientals, and Slavs. Anyone that’s read the man’s work knows how little love Marx had for folks inhabiting the lands east of the Oder and beyond the pale of Western Civilisation. The indigenous people inhabiting the New World were ‘lazy’ and to be ‘dealt with swiftly. Slavs were to be ‘exterminated’, ‘Oriental savages’ handled ‘by the might of the sword’, Indian society needed to be totally “annihilated’ and its ‘filthy pagan idols’ destroyed. Blacks, were lesser men that by ‘nature’ had ‘neither the intellect to govern, or willingness to work’ required for their own progress.

    Marx’s writings also show an unabashed support of slavery (note-although Marx flip-flopped on the issue of slavery when it suited him, Marx was Pro-slavery up until it served his interest to rethink his position), admiration for European and American imperialism and general disdain for people from the third world. For all intents and purposes, Marx looked down upon pretty much everyone today’s Marxists have come to represent.
    Like ALL Zionist supremacists, Marx’s contempt for humanity transcended race. “Like Donald ‘ ‘ Sterling, Marx’s Talmudic weltannschaung dictated how he viewed the Gentile world.

  4. Gerald Goldberg


    “The truth must be repeated over and over again, because error is repeatedly preached among us, not only by individuals, but by the masses. In periodicals and cyclopaedias, in schools and universities; every- where, in fact, error prevails, and is quite easy in the
    feeling that it has a decided majority on its side.”
    ~ J. W. v. Goethe


    Canaan is identified as a black man and blacks as in inferior people, only in the Gemara, which is to say the latter part of the Talmud, the Midrash and later writings of the rabbis. This invective, this racism, is not anywhere in the bible concerning the black race.

    The rabbinic account of the malediction against Ham stipulates that his son Canaan, and all Canaan’s offspring, are to fated to suffer perpetual slavery and black skin without the chance of their condition being ameliorated. It is this anti-Old Testament, Rabbinic gloss that influenced those fifteenth century Renaissance humanists who had crossed over into the forbidden territory of the Talmud, the Midrash and the Kabbalah as part of a supposedly enlightened act. It is an irony of history that as a result of this supposedly progressive development, the abominable view of blacks as a perpetual race of slaves became entrenched among the western liberal intelligentsia for at least the next three hundred years.

    LOUIS EPSTEIN, author of Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism:
    “The female slave was a sex tool beneath the level of moral considerations. She was an economic good, useful, in addition to her menial labor, for breeding more slaves. To attain that purpose, the master mated her promiscuously according to his breeding plans. The master himself and his sons and other members of his household took turns with her for the increase of the family wealth, as well as for satisfaction of their extra-marital sex desires. Guests and neighbors too were invited to that luxury.”

    “They came with ships carrying AFRICAN BLACKS TO BE SOLD AS SLAVES. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the JEWS were often appointed as AGENTS OF THE CROWN in their sale….[They] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business WAS MAINLY A JEWISH ENTERPRISE…. “THE SHIPS WERE NOT ONLY OWNED BY JEWS, BUT WERE MANNED BY JEWISH CREWS AND SAILED UNDER THE COMMAND OF JEWISH CAPTAINS.”
    New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten (KTAV, New York, 1982), pp. 170, 183. [Liebman is an attorney; LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1929; M.A. (Latin American history), Mexico City College, 1963; Florida chapter American Jewish Historical Society, 1956-58; Friends of Hebrew University, 1958-59; American Historical Society Contributor to scholarly journals on Jewish history.

    “It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so….Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless Blacks.”
    “Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865,” in Abraham J. Karp, The Jewish Experience in America: Selected Studies from the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society (Waltham, Massachusetts, 1969), pp. 184, 189. [Dr. Korn is a rabbi,
    historian; A.B., Cincinnati, 1939; Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ordination M.H.L. 1949; Sr. rabbi, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, 1949-; Chaplain, USNR, 1944-; Visiting professor, American Jewish History, Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, 1962-; Honorary Overseer Gratz College of Pennsylvania; visiting professor, American Jewish History, Dropsie University of Pennsylvania; 1970-; Recipient Merit Award, American Association for State & Local History, 1969.]


    “The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of JEWS The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always JEWS, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300% of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates….If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644.”

    Jews in Colonial Brazil (1960), pp. 72-3; [Note: Wiznitzer, Arnold Aharon, educator; Born in Austria, December 20, 1899; Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920; Doctor of Hebrew Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Emeritus research professor, University of Judaism, Los Angeles; Contributor to historical journals in the United States and Brazil including the Journal of Jewish Social Studies and the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Former president, Brazilian-Jewish Institute of Historical Research.]

    The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of 1853
    “The Jews of the United States have never taken any steps whatever with regard to the slavery question. As citizens, they deem it their policy to have every one choose whichever side he may deem best to promote his own interests and the welfare of his country. They have no organization of an ecclesiastical body to represent their general views; no General Assembly, or its equivalent. The American Jews have two newspapers, but they do not interfere in any discussion which is not material to their religion. It cannot be said that the Jews have formed any denominational opinion on the subject of American slavery….


    “The Christian inhabitants [of Brazil] were envious because the JEWS owned some of the best plantations in the river valley of Pernambuco and were among THE LEADING SLAVE-HOLDERS and SLAVE TRADERS in the colony.”1

    “Slave trade [sic] was one of the most important JEWISH activities here [in Surinam] as elsewhere in the colonies.”2

    1. , “A Study of Brazilian Jewish History 1623-1654, Based Chiefly Upon the Findings of the Late Samuel Oppenheim,” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, vol. 33 (1934), p. 63.
    2. The Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Port Washington, New York/London: Kennikat Press, 1937), p. 159.
    [Bloom is a rabbi; B.A., Columbia University, 1923, Ph.D., 1937; M.H.L., Jewish Institute of Religion, 1928, D.D., 1955; rabbi, Temple Albert, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1928-31. President Kingston Ministerial Association, 1945-46, and 1959-60; B’nai B’rith; Zionist Organization of America; vice-president, National Prison Chaplain Board, since 1962; Social Action Committee of Central Conference of American Rabbis, since 1947; Author: The Jews of Dutch Brazil, 1936; The Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam, 1937.]


    “[I]t remains a fact which cannot be gainsaid that in his own native home, and generally throughout the world, the unfortunate Negro is indeed the meanest of slaves. Much had been said respecting the inferiority of his intellectual powers, and that no man of his race has ever inscribed his name on the Parthenon of human excellence, either mental or moral.”



    Canaan is identified as a black man and blacks as in inferior people, only in the Gemara, which is to say the latter part of the Talmud, the Midrash and later writings of the rabbis. This invective, this racism, is not anywhere in the bible concerning the black race.

    The rabbinic account of the malediction against Ham stipulates that his son Canaan, and all Canaan’s offspring, are to fated to suffer perpetual slavery and black skin without the chance of their condition being ameliorated. It is this anti-Old Testament, Rabbinic gloss that influenced those fifteenth century Renaissance humanists who had crossed over into the forbidden territory of the Talmud, the Midrash and the Kabbalah as part of a supposedly enlightened act. It is an irony of history that as a result of this supposedly progressive development, the abominable view of blacks as a perpetual race of slaves became entrenched among the western liberal intelligentsia for at least the next three hundred years.


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