Government attacked First Amendment on all fronts in 2010

by Jack Minor WHILE THERE have been Government assaults on the First Amendment throughout the history of America, 2010 featured bipartisan attacks on all major forms of media. Congress proposed legislation giving the President what many have said is a “kill switch” on the Internet enabling him to shut it down in the event of a “national cyber emergency.” A Continue Reading →

New York Republicans May Sue Their Own Candidate

by John W.B. Huie NOW I’VE SEEN it all. The Stupid Party — er, I mean the Republican party — is threatening to sue one of its own candidates. According to the Associated Press today, Republican officialdom in New York’s Westchester County, a suburb of New York City,  is trying to remove Jim Russell from the ballot. They’re threatening to Continue Reading →

Anarchist’s Progress

by Albert Jay Nock This classic essay on freedom was published in The American Mercury in 1927. I. The Majesty of the Law When I was seven years old, playing in front of our house on the outskirts of Brooklyn one morning, a policeman stopped and chatted with me for a few moments. He was a kindly man, of a Continue Reading →

The X-urbs: Taxes for Something Useful

by Day Brown THERE IS a way out of the ever-increasing tax spiral. Today, the big need is broadband to outlying areas. The fastest growing Census bureau demographic is the “X-urb”: upper middle class, entrepreneurial, and well-educated people who are moving to rural areas. Maybe they see multi-ethnic cities as powder kegs. Katrina was a wake-up call to those concerned Continue Reading →