Homeless Jack on “Grabbing Some Pussy”

We discovered this piece scrawled on some foolscap left on our doorstep, an all-lower-case Kerouac-style stream of consciousness rap, and offer it as we found it. by H. Millard trump is an american original and a throwback to the days when americans were bursting with confidence and energy and the sheer joy of freedom and life itself and  roark and Continue Reading →

The American Mercury Endorses Donald Trump for President

by Gideon Dene Editor, The American Mercury DONALD TRUMP is the obvious choice for President in 2016. It could even be argued that he is the only real choice Americans have had for a century or more. All of the other candidates have been, and are now, obvious shills for Wall Street and Zionist extremism. Putting Hillary or Bernie in Continue Reading →

H.L. Mencken, America’s Wittiest Defender of Liberty

by Jim Powell DURING THE FIRST HALF of the twentieth century, H.L. Mencken (pictured) was the most outspoken defender of liberty in America. He spent thousands of dollars challenging restrictions on freedom of the press. He boldly denounced President Woodrow Wilson for whipping up patriotic fervor to enter World War I, which cost his job as a newspaper columnist. Mencken denounced Continue Reading →

Stem Cells of the Nation: What the Tea Party Will Lose When They Win

by Chris R. Morgan AS THE 2010 mid-term elections approach, it is all but certain that those candidates closely associated with the “tea party” movement will receive support from the public so robust that they might take not one but both houses of Congress. For whatever good that this may do in streamlining how this country is run and how Continue Reading →

New York Republicans May Sue Their Own Candidate

by John W.B. Huie NOW I’VE SEEN it all. The Stupid Party — er, I mean the Republican party — is threatening to sue one of its own candidates. According to the Associated Press today, Republican officialdom in New York’s Westchester County, a suburb of New York City,  is trying to remove Jim Russell from the ballot. They’re threatening to Continue Reading →