Most Likely to Secede

by Christopher Ketcham “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” –The Declaration of Independence INCREASINGLY, I have no fealty to the U.S. Continue Reading →

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: An Obituary

by H.L. Mencken April 13, 1945 THE BALTIMORE Sun editorial on Roosevelt this morning begins: “Franklin D. Roosevelt was a great man.” There are heavy black dashes above and below it. The argument, in brief, is that all his skullduggeries and imbecilities were wiped out when “he took an inert and profoundly isolationist people and brought them to support a Continue Reading →

New Tribe Rising?

by Patrick J. Buchanan “Is white the new black?” So asks Kelefa Sanneh in the subtitle of “Beyond the Pale,” his New Yorker review of several books on white America, wherein he concludes we may be witnessing “the slow birth of a people.” Sanneh is onto something. For after a year of battering as “un-American,” “evil-doers” and racists, and praise Continue Reading →

U.S. an Aggressor Nation?

The United States, says historian Mark Weber, has changed from a republic focused on its own prosperity and well-being to a globally intrusive military empire. This worldwide military presence reflects an entrenched American view that the U.S. is a social-political “model for all nations,” and therefore has a right, based on perceived moral superiority, to intervene everywhere. He traces the Continue Reading →