By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do Boston

by Keith Johnson WAS SLAIN Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamarlin Tsarnaev (pictured) coerced, blackmailed or manipulated by Mossad agents posing as FBI agents? Mark Glenn and the crew over at The Ugly Truth have produced a series of radio broadcasts making a compelling argument that he was: TUT Broadcast April 20, 2013 The Victory Hour April 22, 2013 TUT Broadcast Continue Reading →

Italian Court Increases Sentences for 23 CIA Agents

AN ITALIAN COURT UPPED the sentences for 23 CIA agents convicted in absentia of abducting an Egyptian imam in one of the biggest cases against the US “extraordinary rendition” programme. The 23 CIA agents, originally sentenced in November 2009 to five to eight years in prison, had their sentences increased to seven to nine years on appeal in what one Continue Reading →

al-Qaeda Leader Speaks at Australian Mosque

The existence of such totally illegal atrocities as a “CIA Kill List” only fuels and emboldens such terrorists. — Ed. by Erik Jensen AN AL-QAEDA recruiter, described as the No. 1 terrorist threat to America, was engaged by a Sydney youth group to address hundreds of young people — a decision that has caused deep divisions at one of Australia’s Continue Reading →