New Book by Russell Means

RUSSELL MEANS is pleased to announce the publication of his new book, “If You’ve Forgotten The Names Of The Clouds, You’ve Lost Your Way: An Introduction to American Indian Thought and Philosophy” Co-written by Bayard Johnson (author of “Damned Right”), “Clouds” takes the reader on a journey into the intriguing and little-understood belief system and world view shared by many American Continue Reading →

Pauline Kael: One Against the Herd

Selected Writings of Pauline Kael; Library of America, 2011 Pauline Kael: Alone in the Dark; Brian Kellow, Viking Adult, 2011 by Ron Capshaw FOR CONSERVATIVES, PAULINE KAEL IS notorious for her much-quoted comment about her astonishment that Nixon won the 1972 election since “everyone I know voted for McGovern.” Despite this prime example of the liberal whose worldview is confined to Continue Reading →

Survival of the Black Race in North America

There are lessons that readers of all races can learn from the words of this Black writer, who calls for self-determination for his people — which, ultimately, means their own society. by Lawrence Neal (pictured) THE MOST ESSENTIAL QUESTION confronting me is the psychological and physical survival of the Black man in America. I believe that it is impossible for Continue Reading →

The Annihilation of Freemasonry

by Sven G. Lunden from The American Mercury , February 1941 THERE IS ONLY ONE group of men whom the Nazis and the Fascists hate more than the Jews. They are the Freemasons. In Italy, indeed, the anti-Jewish feeling is of recent vintage and largely artificial, whereas the blackshirt hatred of Freemasonry is old and deep. In their own countries Continue Reading →

What Happened to All the Nice Guys?

by Anonymous I SEE this question posted with some regularity in the personal ads, so I thought I’d take a minute to explain things to the ladies out there who haven’t figured it out. What happened to all the nice guys? The answer is simple: You did. See, if you think back, really hard, you might vaguely remember a Platonic Continue Reading →