New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Dorsey’s Closing Arguments, part 6

THIS WEEK we present the sixth and last audio book installment of prosecutor Hugh Dorsey’s closing arguments in the 1913 trial of Leo M. Frank (pictured) for the strangling and sex murder of his 13-year-old sweatshop employee Mary Phagan. In this dramatic conclusion, you hear the words that the jury heard, the words that would lead them, a short time Continue Reading →

The Western Contribution to World History

by James C. Russell “I SHALL BEGIN by speaking about our ancestors, since it is only right and proper on such an occasion to pay them the honor of recalling what they did.” Thus wrote Thucydides in his History of the Peloponnesian War1 and so it is fitting to pay tribute to those whose deeds contributed toward the creation and defense of Continue Reading →

National Study: Whites Losing Economically

by J. Gardner and American Mercury staff THE National Longitudinal Study indicates that the impact of Affirmative Action laws and diversity-enhancing public policy is far different from that imagined by most Americans. Instead of being over-represented (which equality advocates often view as something in need of “correction”), European-Americans of both sexes and all IQ groups are increasingly under-represented in the Continue Reading →

Proposed Tea Party Plan for America

by Scott Hailey GIVING MORE power to the regime in Washington is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing to bring America back to economic health. Here’s the proposal I’m bringing to the table at Tea Party rallies across the country this week. 1. Reducing regulations is primary, since regulation is what stifles commerce: the more regulations, the Continue Reading →

Last Words on Democracy

by H.L. Mencken (1926) I HAVE ALLUDED somewhat vaguely to the merits of democracy. One of them is quite obvious: it is, perhaps, the most charming form of government ever devised by man. The reason is not far to seek. It is based upon propositions that are palpably not true and what is not true, as everyone knows, is always Continue Reading →