Video: Mary Phagan-Kean and the Battle for Historical Truth

by Karl Hess Stegall On March 11, 2025, Mary Phagan-Kean—the great-niece of young Mary Phagan, whose brutal murder in 1913 at the hands of Leo Frank shocked a nation and shaped its legal and social institutions—appeared on the Stew Peters television program to recount the legacy of a crime that has reverberated through history. Her full interview may be viewed Continue Reading →

Mary Phagan 110: May Her Life Be Not in Vain

by Dale Bennett ON THIS, the 110th anniversary of the rape and strangulation murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by her sweatshop boss — and Atlanta B’nai B’rith president — Leo Max Frank, let us remember her young life and reflect on the massive Jewish propaganda machine that has been attempting to whitewash her killer’s reputation for more than a century. Continue Reading →

The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky

THIS NEW book is an English translation of G.G. Zamyslovsky’s book Ubiystvo Andryushi Yushchinskago, published in Russia in 1917. It is about the trial of Menachem Mendel Beilis (pictured), who was charged with the ritual murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, a 13-year-old boy, committed in Kiev in an occult rite with other fanatics. On March 12, 1911, in Kiev, then part of Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: A Pseudo-History

by Elliot Dashfield a review of The Leo Frank Case by Leonard Dinnerstein, University of Georgia Press IN 1963, nearly a half century after the sensational trial and lynching of Leo Frank become a national cause célèbre, a graduate student named Leonard Dinnerstein (pictured) decided to make the Frank case the subject of his PhD thesis. Three years later, Dinnerstein Continue Reading →