The American Mercury Endorses Donald Trump for President

by Gideon Dene Editor, The American Mercury DONALD TRUMP is the obvious choice for President in 2016. It could even be argued that he is the only real choice Americans have had for a century or more. All of the other candidates have been, and are now, obvious shills for Wall Street and Zionist extremism. Putting Hillary or Bernie in Continue Reading →

One Hundred Percent American

by Ralph Linton The American Mercury vol. 40 (1937) THERE CAN be no question about the average American’s Americanism or his desire to preserve this precious heritage at all costs. Nevertheless, some insidious foreign ideas have already wormed their way into his civilization without his realizing what was going on. Thus dawn finds the unsuspecting patriot garbed in pajamas, a Continue Reading →

Fed to Ship Dollars to “Crisis-Wracked” Euro Zone

by John W.B. Huie Exclusive to The American Mercury TODAY THE FEDERAL RESERVE, America’s private central bank, began to ship billions of dollars to the central bankers of Europe in an attempt to stem the fall in the value of the euro created by Greece’s debt crisis. The total value of the deal could easily top $1 trillion according to Continue Reading →