Pension Fund Killers: Punishment Needed

by Victor Misek THE PENSION FUND CRISIS in the United States extends into the public and private sectors of the economy to an extent unprecedented in the history of mankind.  It’s instructive to compare two of the most notorious individuals involved in the mass destruction and destabilization of pension funds invested in debt instruments.  The two individuals in my cross-hairs are Continue Reading →

America: Economic Disaster Looms

by Bob Chapman Publisher of The International Forecaster. AS THE ECONOMY STUMBLES the American standard of living recedes. Forty-four million people are using food stamps and in one year that figure will be 60 million. Washington and Wall Street say “what, me worry?” Of course not; they are the “masters of the universe.” We are 24 months into an inflationary Continue Reading →

Americans, Save Yourselves: Destructive Economic Policies Continue

The oligarchs are not interested in restoring America’s manufacturing base, therefore we must prepare for the worst. by Bob Chapman Publisher of The International Forecaster. THE ADMINISTRATION and those who control it, the House and Senate, want us to believe that debt can be paid out of revenues now and forever. As inflation and perhaps hyperinflation set in we could Continue Reading →

Most Likely to Secede

by Christopher Ketcham “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” –The Declaration of Independence INCREASINGLY, I have no fealty to the U.S. Continue Reading →

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: An Obituary

by H.L. Mencken April 13, 1945 THE BALTIMORE Sun editorial on Roosevelt this morning begins: “Franklin D. Roosevelt was a great man.” There are heavy black dashes above and below it. The argument, in brief, is that all his skullduggeries and imbecilities were wiped out when “he took an inert and profoundly isolationist people and brought them to support a Continue Reading →