End ‘Drug War’ Corruption

by Day Brown THE DRUG WAR is out of control, and it’s causing a huge problem for hundreds of totally innocent rural property owners. A new dwarf hydroponic marijuana strain has hybridized with a local Ozark line — and that local strain had already been shrinking in size. Outdoor marijuana growers have always returned to their pot patches to pull Continue Reading →

We Evolved in Villages; Cities are Unhealthy

by Day Brown AT THE OPENING of The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, he notes how young artists practice with the eye, musicians the ear, athletes the body — and wonders if it is not possible to strengthen the mind before taking on the issues of philosophy. After all, weight lifters do not start out with the most massive objects. So, Continue Reading →

Elites to Abandon Declining Cities?

by Day Brown THERE WON’T be a new Rome. The powers that be don’t need one anymore. Google is trying to develop a new faster network that will enable the power elites to live on the beach in Hawaii, each with their own Eagle’s Nest during the ski season, or whatever other scenic setting they want for their condos — Continue Reading →

The X-urbs: Taxes for Something Useful

by Day Brown THERE IS a way out of the ever-increasing tax spiral. Today, the big need is broadband to outlying areas. The fastest growing Census bureau demographic is the “X-urb”: upper middle class, entrepreneurial, and well-educated people who are moving to rural areas. Maybe they see multi-ethnic cities as powder kegs. Katrina was a wake-up call to those concerned Continue Reading →