The Psychopathology of Zionism

by Ken Freeland A review of Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine by Joel Kovel (pictured) (2007), Pluto Press, ISBN-13 978 0 7453 2570 5, Paperback $20.48 at AMAZON.COM likes to tell its book-buying customers which books other customers also bought who purchased the same book, and I typically glance at this unsolicited information with bemused Continue Reading →

Suspicious Circumstances Surround Kaczynski Plane Crash

THE BLACK BOXES have been recovered from the Smolensk plane crash that killed a good portion of the government of Poland. One news source reports “Russian officials (say the) engines of the Tupolev TU-154 aircraft ran flawlessly right up to the crash near the western city of Smolensk, the agency quoted the leader of the Interstate Aviation Committee, Tatiana Anodina, Continue Reading →

The Speech the Polish President Never Gave

by Lech Kaczynski, President of Poland This is the speech that the President was to have delivered on April 10, 2010 at the Polish War Cemetery in Katyn during the ceremony of 70th Anniversary of the Katyn crime. He was killed, along with many senior members of his government, just before this speech was to have been delivered. Dear Representatives Continue Reading →

Look for Colorful Skies as Volcanic Ash Causes Airport Delays

Ash cloud severely disrupts global air travel EVEN AT this American Mercury editor’s home in Baltimore, the sun seemed an unusual color of goldenrod yellow in the afternoon. The cause? A trace of volcanic ash, though far less than what Europe is experiencing.  Thousands of passengers have been stranded at airports after a cloud of ashes from an Icelandic volcano Continue Reading →

Chile’s Quake Recovery Quicker than Haiti’s: Why?

Even though the earthquake in Chile was considerably larger, Chile fared far better both during and after the disaster. AS ALISON ARIEFF recently reported, ‘One has only to look at the fatalities in Chile as compared to Haiti: though the Chilean earthquake registered 8.8 on the Richter scale, the country experienced 279 fatalities, compared to Haiti’s 230,000 from their less Continue Reading →