Video: Mary Phagan-Kean and the Battle for Historical Truth

by Karl Hess Stegall On March 11, 2025, Mary Phagan-Kean—the great-niece of young Mary Phagan, whose brutal murder in 1913 at the hands of Leo Frank shocked a nation and shaped its legal and social institutions—appeared on the Stew Peters television program to recount the legacy of a crime that has reverberated through history. Her full interview may be viewed Continue Reading →

New Video on the Leo Frank Trial — YouTube Miniseries

ABOVE YOU WILL SEE another superb video by reallygraceful on YouTube (hosted on another server in case the ethnically-distinct censors at YouTube decide to take it down) who has conducted thorough research on the Leo Frank case and murder of little Mary Phagan. She is presenting the facts of this case in her new video (number one of a miniseries) Continue Reading →

Helen Thomas: Her One Question to Obama

…and why he never answered it. by Malcolm P. Shiel HELEN THOMAS is a veteran White House reporter who has been asking penetrating questions of every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy. She recently asked her first question to Barack Obama, and boy did it make him squirm and prevaricate. He never did answer it. It was a simple question. Continue Reading →

U.S. an Aggressor Nation?

The United States, says historian Mark Weber, has changed from a republic focused on its own prosperity and well-being to a globally intrusive military empire. This worldwide military presence reflects an entrenched American view that the U.S. is a social-political “model for all nations,” and therefore has a right, based on perceived moral superiority, to intervene everywhere. He traces the Continue Reading →

The Only Recording of Mencken’s Voice

This is the only known recording of H.L. Mencken’s voice and it is incredibly rare; thanks to Al Kaiser for making this recording available, which is archived on YouTube even though the video is static and it’s essentially radio, not video. We hear Mencken speaking just a matter of weeks before his debilitating stroke, and his mental acuity is perfect. Continue Reading →