New Video on the Leo Frank Trial — YouTube Miniseries

ABOVE YOU WILL SEE another superb video by reallygraceful on YouTube (hosted on another server in case the ethnically-distinct censors at YouTube decide to take it down) who has conducted thorough research on the Leo Frank case and murder of little Mary Phagan. She is presenting the facts of this case in her new video (number one of a miniseries) Continue Reading →

Boomer Conservatives Are Always Wrong

We at the Mercury do not endorse every point made by the author here, but we do think his Menckenesque demolition of one of the most useless and offensive conservative types is quite brilliant. by Kevin Alfred Strom DURING HIS ADMINISTRATION, Donald Trump announced that the US was going to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as the capital of Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 29

by Philip St. Raymondfor The American Mercury WITH THIS audio recording, “Leo Frank Case Timeline,” we come to the final section of this important book. In combination with last week’s section setting forth the dramatis personae of this tragic, gripping tale, the listener can put the entire case in proper perspective. And over all these chapters, what an education the listener Continue Reading →

The Mercury Needs Reporters at Leo Frank Event

THE AMERICAN MERCURY and the Leo Frank Case Research Library and others working for a balanced, truthful account of the Leo Frank case have a request for any of our readers and correspondents within driving distance of Marietta, Georgia: Please attend the re-dedication ceremony of the Leo Frank lynching marker tomorrow, Thursday, August 23, at 10 am. It would be Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty

by Penelope Lee THIS WEEK, as we are preparing the (very long) audio book version of the Leo Frank defense team and prosecution team closing arguments, the American Mercury is proud to present the new audio book version — never before available in its entirety — of our editor Bradford L. Huie’s 100 Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty, read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer. Continue Reading →