The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 4

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WHEN LEO FRANK was first arrested for the murder of Mary Phagan, his and his defense team’s major focus was placing the blame on Newt Lee, the Black night watchman who discovered the murdered girl’s body. They were so eager to avoid any attention being given to another Black man, Jim Conley, the Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 3

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE JEWISH Anti-Defamation League (or ADL) — back in the days when they and their allies had a near-monopoly on public discussion of the Leo Frank case — once made the claim that Leo Frank was arrested and indicted and convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan “without evidence.” Listen to this audio Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 2

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury LOOK AT THE headline and lead article in the Atlanta Georgian newspaper of April 29, 1913, we have illustrated above. Click on this link to see a large and easy-to-read version. “LEE’S GUILT PROVED, Detectives Assert” — “SUSPICION LIFTS FROM FRANK” — “We Have Sufficient Evidence Now to Convict Negro Nightwatchman of Killing Continue Reading →

Now an Audio Book: The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 1

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE AMERICAN MERCURY is proud of its decades-long reputation for seeking the truth without fear or favor. As such, we do not flinch when a part of that truth can best be discovered in the words of those whom the Establishment has deemed “radical” or “controversial” or even “evil.” (When the current murderous regime Continue Reading →