The Hidden History of How Israel Was Created

by Alison Weir (pictured) I HADN’T originally meant to write a book. For over a dozen years I had been reading excellent books containing facts about the history of US-Israel relations that very few people seemed to know — even individuals highly knowledgeable about the history of the Middle East. Because so few people are aware of this information, inaccurate Continue Reading →


by H.L. Mencken THIS preposterous quackery flourishes lushIy in the back reaches of the Republic, and begins to conquer the less civilized folk of the big cities. As the old-time family doctor dies out in the country towns, with no competent successor willing to take over his dismal business, he is followed by some hearty blacksmith or ice-wagon driver, turned Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 29

by Philip St. Raymondfor The American Mercury WITH THIS audio recording, “Leo Frank Case Timeline,” we come to the final section of this important book. In combination with last week’s section setting forth the dramatis personae of this tragic, gripping tale, the listener can put the entire case in proper perspective. And over all these chapters, what an education the listener Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 28

by Philip St. Raymondfor The American Mercury THE TITLE of this section of the book — “Who’s Who in the Leo Frank Case” — might sound like it’s describing a dry, lifeless list of names. But it is not. This is a most valuable and interesting piece for every serious student of the Leo Frank case. It puts all the players Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 27

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury AS WE NEAR the end of this monumental audio book, we hear the long and moving list of lynching victims, contemporaries of Leo Frank — dozens upon dozens of names, and even some poor souls without names, so unsung were they and so uninvestigated were their murders. After hearing and comprehending the magnitude Continue Reading →