The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 16

by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury IS IT POSSIBLE that the Jewish community — namely, the same forces that launched the massive public relations campaign portraying Leo Frank as an innocent victim of “anti-Semitism” — had a hand in murdering him? If not, then why did the Jewish-owned New York Times (the flagship of the Frank publicity machine) create Continue Reading →

The Mercury Needs Reporters at Leo Frank Event

THE AMERICAN MERCURY and the Leo Frank Case Research Library and others working for a balanced, truthful account of the Leo Frank case have a request for any of our readers and correspondents within driving distance of Marietta, Georgia: Please attend the re-dedication ceremony of the Leo Frank lynching marker tomorrow, Thursday, August 23, at 10 am. It would be Continue Reading →

Why Was Leo Frank Lynched?

WE ARE approaching the 102nd anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank, which will take place on August 17. Why was Leo Frank lynched? — and why was he lynched, not by a mob of illiterate haters, but by an assemblage of community leaders and eminent citizens? Does the current media story about Leo Frank — that he was an Continue Reading →