Most Likely to Secede

by Christopher Ketcham “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” –The Declaration of Independence INCREASINGLY, I have no fealty to the U.S. Continue Reading →

The New Aristocracy

by Robert Henderson QUIETLY AND almost unobserved, a new aristocracy has been evolving for the past two centuries. This evolution has reached the stage where this elite, like the mediaeval nobility, have sympathy for their own class anywhere and contempt and unconcern for the mass of people everywhere. Their power is increasing by bounds. They seek to extend it ever Continue Reading →

National Study: Whites Losing Economically

by J. Gardner and American Mercury staff THE National Longitudinal Study indicates that the impact of Affirmative Action laws and diversity-enhancing public policy is far different from that imagined by most Americans. Instead of being over-represented (which equality advocates often view as something in need of “correction”), European-Americans of both sexes and all IQ groups are increasingly under-represented in the Continue Reading →